I am at cross roads today. One is the chosen path of awareness and self-improvement. The medium is being in here and now, recognizing feelings, coping with the same etc. Second is the reality of here and now. The medium is logical thinking, unacknowledged feelings, coping with suppressed emotions etc.
Where forth shall you go, milady?
Time and again I have faced questions, had options and made choices. But today I feel really tired. Tired of carrying with me the unacknowledged feelings, tired of pushing the envelope, tired of making choices, tired of taking the first step…
Which path shall I choose?

The ability to make implementable choices is both a gift and a curse.
The path of Hope without a doubt is the best choice by far. Logic and Opportunity supported by the mind fall behind the Choice of hope that has a larger support of the heart which ultimately has happiness & fulfillment as a reward.
Baba Kau ki jai! I am searching for a decoder currently... Know where I can find one ;)
Please translate in English, my love!
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